10 ноември 2008

Quick Update

Just thought I should throw in a quick update. University is a tough beast, preventing me from dedicating enough time to this blog. Fear not, however, I'm a persevering person, and that should pay off soon. This Friday I hope to be able to post my first work on this here Netherworld.

It's not going to be a real story, though. I do have several short stories written down in paper, but they're in Bulgarian, and need some work. The creation I will be sharing with you this week is a more different story. A description, so to say.

Let me explain. Recently I saw a topic in a Bulgarian fantasy forum I frequent, telling of a writing contest. The goal - to describe a fantasy creature of the author's own making. By the time I saw the topic, the contest had ended, sadly. Despite that, the idea really appealed to me, and I took it up - only in English.

So, this Friday you can eagerly await my very own diabolical creation - the dreaded Oakfiend.

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